"It’s time to put my money where my mouth is."

Hi peeps!

Well, it’s time to put my money where my mouth is.  I’ve got a commission available for an artist/technical artist/art director type person to help me out on the game I’m building.  You can see some programmer-art screenshots at https://balancingmonkeygames.com.  Important note : This is a hobby/passion project for me, so we’re talking a few hours here and there, not a full time job.  While this project is going to be ongoing for quite some time, I’ve also got a personal deadline of wanting to have something ready for the NZGDC (1-3 August).

I’m deliberately going for a low colour, low polygon art style, also trying to invoke a boardgame-like feel.  While I will need someone(s) to create 2D and 3D assets for me, the main thing I need is someone willing to take a look at what I’ve got and advise me on how to make it pop visually - colour choice, visual design, help with shader design, ideas for extra visual elements and so on.

If that sounds like you or someone you know, please drop me a line!